Program Registration Request & Waitlist FormPlease fill out this form to request space in a specific program. One form per child. Parent's Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Child's First Name * Child's Birthday * MM DD YYYY Program of Interest - select as many as you want Please only select age appropriate options. If they are full then you will see the "Waitlist Only." This form will put you on a waitlist if that is the only option for your child's class level. French Toddler ages 2-3.5 : Waitlist Only French Preschool ages 3.5-5 : Waitlist Only French PreBallet ages 5-8 : Waitlist Only ----------------------------------------------- English Toddler ages 2-3.5 : Waitlist Only English Preschool ages 3.5-5 : Waitlist Only English PreBallet ages 5-8 : Waitlist Only ----------------------------------------------- You are available Saturday mornings You are available Sunday mornings You are available Sat. or Sun. mornings Payment Option * Please Select one Pay In Full Payment Plan (2 instalments) Message Thank you! Your request has been received. You have been placed on the waitlist.Please be aware that it could take until the next 1 to 2 sessions to hear back about an available spot.You do not need to re-submit the form. We go in the order they are received. Please add to your email acceptance list so you don’t miss a notification.